Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thankful for the gift of life

 Today, on my birthday, I am thinking about life. Life with all its joy and heartache. And over and over, I am overwhelmed with thankfulness. 
 So, here is a shout-out to some of those who have helped shape me, loved me, and shown me the grace of God.
 First, my parents. I am so thankful to you both, mom and dad! Yesterday one of my older children told me I needed to have another baby. I proceeded to explain that I am still trying to lose baby weight, and still feeling tired most of the time, and hence, that was not in the plans right now. Jared just looked at me a bit confused and said, "So? That just means you've had lots of children and that you work hard." His logic didn't change my mind on my weight goals, but it did give me some things to ponder. Sacrifice. The constant giving up of self to love and serve those in our care. I am so thankful for the countless sacrifices you have made on my behalf! Mom, thank you especially for the physical sacrifice of carrying me, of bearing pain to give me life. Dad, I treasure the memory of kneeling with you, of you leading me in prayer to the heart of the Father. Thank you for leading me to eternal life. 
  Friends. I have been blessed with wonderful friends. Friends who have walked along beside me, and held me up when I was weak. Friends willing to challenge me, to speak truth to me, friends who have loved me even when I haven't been lovable. I have lost friendships and mourn them. Been wounded by friends. Hidden myself from friends, not willing to risk getting hurt again. I have been led back to trust and risk with friends. Been taught that the most important thing in life is this gift of relationship. I am thankful especially for my sisters who have been faithful friends to me. And for my very best friend:
 My husband. The man who sees me, all my flaws, all my quirks, all my brokenness, and loves me any way. The one who looks beyond those things to the work of God in my heart. The one who chose me to share life with him. I can't even begin to express how precious you are to me, Chad. Marrying you is the best decision I ever made. God has used marriage to cleanse, to purify and mature both of our hearts. That process has been difficult and at times extremely painful, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. You are the one my heart adores!  
Jesus. My Lord. The Relentless Pursuer of my heart. I am so thankful for His love and gentleness that melt the walls and defenses I have built around my heart, freeing me to love and be loved, to experience forgiveness and to enter relationship with Him and others. God has truly blessed me. Woven all throughout my life are glimpses of Him. His protection. His incredible love to me. Even the heartaches bear His image; in them too, He was holding me, drawing me, leading me to Himself.